Kybella Pelleve Laser Lunch & Learn | I Hate My Sefie
January 13, 2017
Allergan National Trainer Recertification
July 17, 2017
Kybella Pelleve Laser Lunch & Learn | I Hate My Sefie
January 13, 2017
Allergan National Trainer Recertification
July 17, 2017

LightStim Anti-Aging Therapy Comes to Augusta!

Last month, Dr. Faircloth and I attended the Vegas Cosmetic Conference and brought back the newest anti-aging device to the East coast!

LightStim LED light therapy delivers light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. LightStim emits UV-free, beneficial light rays that energize cells and stimulate the body’s natural process to build new proteins and regenerate cells.

Benefits of LightStim therapy:
• Reduce and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles
• Restore your skin’s youthful appearance
• Stimulate the production of collagen and elastin
• Heal and calm existing breakouts
• Destroy acne-causing bacteria to minimize future breakouts
• Temporarily relieve arthritic pain, muscle and joint pain, and reduce inflammation and stiffness
• Increase blood circulation, speed healing, and diminish bruising

The picture above shows a patient immediately after a 20-minute treatment!

Be the first to be treated with the LightStim therapy!